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Skin Lesion Removal

有许多不同类型的损伤和皮肤状况可以 treated with laser surgery. Your doctor will decide if you are a candidate for the particular surgery. The following is a brief overview 一些可以用激光手术治疗的皮肤状况:

  • Port-wine stains. Port-wine stains are congenital (出生时)毛细血管畸形. The color of this birthmark is usually pink, red, or purple. About 0.3% of children are born with port-wine stains. 随着孩子的成长,斑点可能会变得更黑. 葡萄酒色斑可以出现在身体的任何部位,并且在 size.

    脉冲染料激光器是一种具有高功率的激光器 能发出短而高能量闪光的电灯. The 当光线穿过染料时,它是有颜色的. The color of the dye can 根据皮肤斑点的类型而变化 treated. 脉冲染料激光是葡萄酒色斑的首选激光. 成人可以在门诊的基础上进行这个手术 only local anesthesia. 儿童或有大量葡萄酒污渍的人, may be treated under general anesthesia. Multiple treatments may be necessary.

  • Hemangiomas. 血管瘤是一种常见的血管瘤 birthmark. About 10% of whites have hemangiomas. Hemangiomas may vary in 外观,从红色凸起的斑块到更深的紫色区域. 血管瘤通常在出生后一个月内出现,生长迅速 在第一年,可能在孩子5岁时开始消失 years old. 事实上,50%的血管瘤会随着年龄的增长而自然变小 5. 血管瘤可浅可深. Surgery, injections into 对于血管瘤,或者一种叫做心得安的口服药物 大的或正在增长的血管瘤,或引起问题的血管瘤 because of their location. Multiple treatments may be necessary.

  • Café au lait macules. These are tan-colored lesions that may appear anywhere on the body. The size of the lesions varies. Some 病变可能非常大,可能需要美容切除. Recurrence is common.

  • Telangiectasias. 毛细血管扩张是指小血管 它们位于皮肤表面下. The vessels may appear red, purple, or blue. 这些最常见的地方包括 face, upper chest, and neck. 相关血管见于腿部, called spider veins. 去除通常是为了美观.

    There are many causes of telangiectasia. These include heredity, sun damage, 辛辣的食物、情绪、荷尔蒙、一些药物和酒渣鼻. 治疗这些病变可能包括激光或硬化疗法. 硬化疗法是一种用小针进行注射的方法 medicine into the vessels. This causes them to shrink. New vessels may 在人的一生中不断发展. It depends on what caused the lesion to form. KTP和脉冲染料激光器常用在上 the face. 

  • Wrinkles. 使用激光来帮助消除皱纹是 整容手术的一大进步. The term used to describe this procedure is a laser peel. This type of wrinkle removal 过程是比其他方法更安全的祛皱时,由 an experienced surgeon. There is less of a chance of scarring, 肿胀,激光剥皮后结痂. Newer lasers have fewer side effects and a shorter recovery period. Prior to the actual surgery, 你的医疗保健提供者可能会给你开一些面部药物 to help prepare your skin. These medicines may be used for 4 to 6 weeks before the laser peel. After the laser peel, your health care 提供者将解释正确的皮肤护理,以防止结痂和 infection. 许多不同类型的激光器可用于激光脱皮.

  • Warts. 疣是皮肤或膜的生长 not malignant (cancerous). 疣是由人类乳头瘤病毒引起的 and are often hard to destroy. Many different types of treatments have been used for wart removal. 这些包括手术切除,应用 药物对疣,或冷冻疣. As a result of the side 这些治疗的效果,使用激光已成为可接受的. 多次治疗可能是必要的,直到疣消失. Pulsed dye 激光器,二氧化碳激光器和调q激光器已经被证明 be effective for certain warts.

  • Scars. 疤痕的形成可能有很多不同的原因. 这些包括感染、手术、损伤或组织炎症. A 疤痕是身体愈合和替换丢失或损坏的自然方式 skin. Scars may appear anywhere on the body. The makeup of a scar may vary. 疤痕可能是扁平的、块状的、凹陷的、有颜色的、疼痛的和/或 itchy. 疤痕可以用各种不同的激光治疗. This 这取决于疤痕的根本原因. Lasers may be used to 抚平疤痕,去除疤痕的异常颜色,或使疤痕变平. 大多数疤痕的激光治疗是与其他治疗方法联合进行的 治疗方法,比如注射类固醇,使用特殊的敷料,还有 the use of bandages. Multiple treatments may be necessary.

  • Tattoo removal. There are several types of tattoos: decorative tattoos, which are placed for decorative purposes; cosmetic 纹身,被称为永久性化妆品,就像永久性眼线笔一样 or lipstick; traumatic tattoos, which are a result of a trauma that embeds a foreign substance, like dirt, in the skin; medical tattoos, 比如那些被医疗保健提供者作为辐射标志的地方 therapy; and amateur tattoos, done by individuals on themselves or by nonprofessionals. 决定结果的因素有很多 laser surgery on removing tattoos. These include the patient's age, skin 类型,纹身的类型,纹身的年龄,纹身的颜色和大小 and depth of the tattoo. 还有纹身是否是由 professional or an amateur. 有些油墨的颜色可能是完全耐的 to laser treatment. 激光去除纹身会破坏纹身的颜色 damaging normal skin. 然后身体会吸收这些色素 不像以前的纹身去除方法那样留下疤痕. Multiple treatments may be necessary.

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